Friendster is one of the most visited site with 61 million visitors a month and a 19 million page views. But today friendster's users are declining due to its performance problems. There were no improvements in their services. Their customers are asking for more but Friendster refused to give its users what they want like until it was to late.
Then came along Facebook a social networking site that gives its users what they want updating constantly. Making the way of communicating with friends more personal. Friendster was not competitive enough it's like it didn't think of facebook as a threat.
But still Friendster still has it's loyal users that are mostly from Asia.
1. Philippines
2. Indonesia
3. Malaysia
4. Singapore
5. Pakistan
6. UAE (United Arab Emirates)
7. Sudan
8. South Korea
9. Bangladesh
10. India
according to Alexa( a subsidiary company of
They changed Friendster almost similar to Facebook. Facebook has "News Feed" Friendster has "Activity Stream". They used Games as the sites main attraction. Most of friendsters users are young which matches what friendster offers.
Friendster is just retaining it's young asian users. I stopped using friendster since October 2008 (when i started using facebook) i just want a simple social networking site away from the "jologs" or "jejemons" >:)
Haha! Don't typecast. Maybe some countries still appreciate the look of friendster. ;p