Thursday, February 17, 2011

Philippines as one of the Top Growing Facebook Countries in the World

Philippines as one of the Top Growing Facebook Countries in the World

We can't deny the fact that almost everybody here in the urban part of country has Facebook, from the President of the Philippines down to the new born babies of the country. So it wouldn't be a surprising fact if the Philippines is considered as one of the Top Growing Facebook countries in the world, and currently standing as 5th country who has biggest number of Facebook users in the world., the Facebook-Statistics Portal showed that there are 22,515 820 Facebook users in the Philippines. Which give us the position of the 5th country in world who has a large number of Facebook users. Infographic of the Philippines in Facebook
In the Demographic Data for the Facebook Users of the Philippines:

  • 18-35 age bracket are the majority users of Facebook in the country.
  • 48% are Male Users = 10, 807 594 million Male Users.
  • 52% are Female Users= 11, 708, 226 million Female Users
  •   Last JANUARY 2011, 1.5 million New Facebook Users signed up.  
Local and International brands, Television Programs, and Celebrities could be now found in facebook. And to name some, here are the top searched brands in the country:
  • Starbucks – 758,000 Fans
  • Havaianas – 343,000 Fans
  • Nescafe 318,000 Fans
  • MYX- Rank 23 in the top 100 media companies in Facebook.
  • ABS-CBN- Rank 25 in the top 100 media companies in Facebook.
  • Vice Ganda- Top Celebrity in Facebook Philippines (2,638,029 million Fans)
  • Lady Gaga- Top Celebrity in the World (26,633,204 million Fans)

Based on the statistics, it only shows that Facebook has a big opportunity in hitting the Asian market. Focusing in the Philippines, this social networking website really made a big impact to the country due to the large number of users. The population varies with different kind of users. Every single Facebook users has their own motive on using Faceboook. Some for individual interest, business, or making connections. But if we are gonna boil it down into one thing that makes them all the same, it's all about interaction.  

Facebook hands the opportunity to everybody to share their interest with one another who also has the same preference like they do. It has a lot of ways of sharing the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs of one user to its network. What's more is Facebook varies different traits, depending on how you want to connect with your group. And as of the result, it responds to the increasing number of Facebook users in the Philippines, together with an on-going and committed attitude whenever Facebook users make use of the site.  



  1. Do you think facebook really help companies grow their business? For SMEs maybe it helps in terms of establishing brand identity and brand awareness. What about for multinational companies? What's their approach in terms of using social networking sites? Do they also have pages in friendster?

  2. With over 600 million users of Facebook, who wouldn't use Facebook as a means of advertising for their business. It is a great a way especially for SMEs to establish brand identity and brand awareness, as well as those multinational companies. Here in the U.S., you would notice that most major businesses have a link to their Facebook pages as another means of communication. This is because these businesses realize that nearly half of Americans have a Facebook account. Therefore it would only make sense to try and reach out to these people who all have one thing in common. So the question isn't a matter of what their approach is in terms of using a networking site, but how they would reach out within these sites to others? As for Friendster, it is not widely used as a means of networking here in the U.S., but statistics can clearly prove which site would be a better choice to use as far as advertising.
